

Hi all, my name is Doğaç, pronounced as Do-atch. I am a Software Engineer, currently located in Evanston, Illinois. As of May 2024, I have been working in an Healthcare Tech company based in San Francisco, Carbon Health, for the last 3 years. I love open-source, I love contributing to the things I have used or been using. I am trying to be an active contributor to the big projects such as Armeria and Kotlinx.serialization. Also I am trying to create my own open-source initiatives such as kotlinx-protobuf-gen and hoping one day my projects will gain popularity.

I have started programming when I was 12 using Java. I always had an interest on how things work, especially how computers work. I was constantly watching modded Minecraft videos, and one day I wondered how do people make them! Then I started reading about it and learned about Java. Since then, I am still very curious about how things are built and I am trying to learn as much as possible to understand the world around me.

Before attending the University, in 2017, I had an older friend who was experienced in programming, studied Computer Science. We have collaborated to build a Chess Engine, Defenchess, which ended up being one of the top-10 chess engines in the world in its time. It was a great experience to see how a software project is done collaboratively and how the whole experience looks like.

After that, I have decided to study Computer Science. I have attended the Bilkent University between 2017-2022. During the Covid pandemic, I was bored staying at home and applied to a part-time job, which ended up being my full time job after graduating. I am really ambitious and I really want to continue pursuing my Career as a Software Engineer.

My area of interests are very wide: Microservice frameworks, distributed systems, serialization formats, cloud, database systems, developer and build tooling, CI/CD, programming languages...

Why this blog?

This is a new experience for me which I had in my mind for a long while. I am excited and can't wait to write and share my personal experiences. I really want to distribute my knowledge, connect with people that have similar interests and also force myself into learning more.

Also writing is an important skill. My primary communication method is written, either as code, or via messaging because I am working fully remotely. It is very important for me to express myself in written language throughout my daily life. Writing a blog is a great way to improve yourself.